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Septic Installations & Consultation

Whether you need a new septic system installed or an upgrade to an existing one, we have the expertise to handle projects of all sizes. We prioritize customer satisfaction, offering personalized solutions, competitive pricing, and timely project completion. Trust us to ensure a seamless and environmentally friendly septic installation that meets your needs. Contact us today for a consultation.

The Unseen Hero: An Ode to Septic Systems


Ladies and gentlemen, let's talk about a topic that's as glamorous as it gets: septic systems! Yes, those underground marvels that keep our homes smelling like a bed of roses (or at least not like a barnyard) are the unsung heroes of our daily lives.


Picture this: You're hosting a fancy dinner party at your swanky countryside villa. You've got your best china out, the table settings are Instagram-worthy, and you're serving gourmet dishes that Gordon Ramsay would be jealous of. But there's one VIP guest at your soirée that you often overlook – your trusty septic system.


You see, while your guests are sipping on champagne and savoring your culinary masterpieces, your septic system is down there, quietly doing its job. It's like the Alfred to your Batman, the unsung hero of your underground world.

Now, imagine what would happen if your septic system decided to take a coffee break. You'd have a literal mess on your hands. Your dinner party would turn into an episode of a reality TV show where people flee in horror from the bubbling backyard swamp.


So, the next time you flush, give your septic system a nod of appreciation. It's the silent protector of your home's hygiene, ensuring that your "business" stays discreetly out of sight and out of smell. After all, it's not just about keeping up appearances; it's about keeping up aromas, too!


In a world where flashy gadgets and high-tech gizmos get all the attention, spare a thought for the humble septic system. It may not have a cape or a catchy theme song, but it's the unsung hero that keeps your home sweet-smelling and your parties free from unexpected drama. Cheers to the sewage superstars! 🚽💩🦸‍♂️

Sizing a Septic System

Understanding Septic System Sizing Requirements in Oregon

When it comes to installing a septic system in the beautiful state of Oregon, it's crucial to adhere to specific sizing requirements. These regulations are in place to safeguard both public health and the environment. Here's a concise guide to help you understand the septic system sizing requirements in Oregon:


  1. Determining Household Flow: The first step in sizing your septic system is calculating your household's daily wastewater flow. This includes all water used in your home, from toilets and showers to dishwashers and washing machines. Accurate measurements are essential, as they directly impact the size of your system.

  2.  Soil Evaluation: Oregon requires a thorough soil evaluation to determine the soil's ability to treat wastewater. This involves assessing factors like soil texture, depth to seasonal water table, and the soil's percolation rate. The results of this evaluation are crucial in sizing the drain field component of your septic system.

  3. Tank Capacity: Septic tanks in Oregon must have a minimum capacity of 1,000 gallons. However, the size may need to be larger depending on household flow and local regulations. The tank's capacity ensures that solids settle and undergo biological treatment before effluent flows to the drain field.

  4. Drain Field Size: The drain field, also known as the leach field, is sized based on the soil's percolation rate. Oregon regulations stipulate a minimum of 200 square feet of drain field area per bedroom. The total drain field area must be sufficient to disperse effluent effectively and allow for natural treatment in the soil.

  5. Setback Requirements: Septic systems in Oregon must adhere to setback requirements. These stipulate minimum distances from property lines, water bodies, wells, and structures. These setbacks help protect groundwater and prevent contamination.

  6. Professional Design: It's essential to work with a licensed septic system designer or engineer who is familiar with Oregon's regulations. Pacific Earthworks is DEQ certified (#3379) to help assess your specific needs and create a system design that meets all requirements.

  7. Local Regulations: In addition to state requirements, local jurisdictions may have additional regulations and permitting processes. When you work with us, we verify planning, design and install with local health department or building authority for any specific guidelines.


Understanding and complying with Oregon's septic system sizing requirements is vital for the health of your family, the environment, and your community. Always consult with professionals experienced in septic system design and local regulations to ensure your system is compliant and functions effectively for years to come.

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